First he laid out his competition Deep Half Guard game. Now hes back to teach you about his favorite strangle method - the Darce choke.
One of Americas most talented and most charismatic grapplers - Jeff Glover - has laid out the most complete series on the Darce choke ever known to man. Features detailed instruction on the Darce and all of its variations - including the Marce, the Farce, the Starce, and the Slarce.
Contents Include:
Sim Go spin into darce
Triangle to marce
Mounted triangle to darce
Mad darce
Mad darce crank
Mad darce to triangle
Back escape to marce
Bottom side control to marce
Getting guard passed to marce
Monoplata darce
Arm drag darce drill
Turtle darce drill
Turtle marce drill
Darce defense
Marce defense
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